Zero my hero

Zero can be a wonderful thing.  A zero Absolute Neutrophil Count (ANC) means that I have no immune system, but it also means my old immune system with the accompanying mutant genes and cancer cells is gone (or mostly gone).  I got this news on December 23rd, 2016.  My ANC stayed at zero as I struggled with really bad diarrhea and nausea through Christmas.  My entire GI track was blasted by the chemo (Melphalan).  Before I could get an Imodium to treat the diarrhea, they had to do a test to make sure my diarrhea wasn't related to C. difficile infection, because the symptoms I had, although common with Melphalan, were also indicative of C. difficile infection.   I got some relief on Christmas afternoon when the tests came back negative for C. diff (as they call it).

Here is a quote my wife had framed and gave to me on Christmas.  My sentiments exactly.


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