Bike ride with Brinley, using my clip ins that I was wearing when I broke my neck, still has the mud from that day. I haven't been biking much since then. But I had fun today with my daughter. I am in a complete and stringent remission. I found out Monday, April 20, 2017, that my bone marrow transplant had resulted in the best possible outcome. There was no sign of the proteins or light chains that were present before in my bone marrow and blood. No new lesions were found in the PET scan. Just hyper-metabolic activity from my bones healing. I FEEL GREAT! What little pain remains in my bones is from the healing process, and much less acute. I am running again, biking, and I might even play a game of basketball, soon. It is a real miracle that I am doing this well. I was telling myself that this reaction to the treatments and medications is normal for someone my age, less than 50 years-old. That is mostly t...