Radiation Treatment
I found out I had Multiple Myeloma when my shoulder pain from a basketball injury wouldn't go away (Andy Boyce was right, I am too old for that youngsters game. But I will probably be playing again as soon as I can, Andy). Three months passed before I had it checked by a orthopedic specialist. He looked at the x-ray and thought I either had a torn rotator cuff, or some kind of legion. A legion is basically a tumor, but at the time I thought he just meant I might have a small benign growth of some kind on my bone. When the MRI that he ordered came back, he told me I had cancer as he directed me to an oncologist he had setup for me to see that day. Mary had just moved to Idaho. I didn't want to tell her the first day she had moved in. I toyed with the idea of waiting until I knew more. But I couldn't keep anything from her. I never could. She sees right through me, and knew something was wrong. So I told her at lunch the day I found out, so she could accompany me ...